
Order Placement

When placing orders, please be sure your file names do not include the word "order" or use any characters other than letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens. For example, any of the following characters would need to be removed from file names to prevent errors: (!@#$%^&*.;:'"[]{}\|<>?,).

  • All orders are final:
    We can not make any changes to any part of any order once it has been submitted. Please be sure to review your order before sending it in.
  • Files must be in JPEG format:
    All images in an order must be in JPEG format (*.jpg file extension).
  • Files must be in sRGB color space:
    All images are assumed to be in sRGB. Images not in this color space may not print as expected.
  • Promotional Codes:
    All promotional codes must be added in the promo code field before submitting your order. To receive promotional discounts on multiple qualifying orders, codes must be entered individually on each order that is placed.